October 5, 2017 Posted in Firm News Share
Christopher C. Johnson, Associate Attorney, was recently appointed as Co-Chair of the Hillsborough County Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Division’s (YLD) Long Range Planning Committee. The Long Range Planning Committee is responsible for reviewing the bylaws and making recommended changes and considering possible committees, projects and activities of the YLD.
Christopher, along with Shareholder Kevin D. Johnson, was also published in the September-October 2017 Lawyer Magazine, a publication of the Hillsborough County Bar Association. The article, Assessing Risk in FLSA Collective Actions, provides information that both corporate counsel and businesses can use when valuing a case and assessing risks when defending FLSA collective actions. Read the article here: http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.hillsbar.com/resource/resmgr/magazine/Sept-Oct_2017_HCBA_Lawyer_ma.pdf
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